Practising what you preach - does it matter?
(c) LGV&Co
I have a question...
To what degree can one organisation effectively advise another on a topic where they are not living that advice themselves?
Take corporate governance or equality in employment as examples. If your corporate governance is lacking or you have bullying and wellbeing issues within your organisation, what is the impact of that on the quality and efficacy of your advice?
Do you think it matters? Does it depend? How much do those on the buy side already care?
Okay, that’s more than one question :)
This is particularly pertinent with the corporate world deepening its focus on environmental, societal and governance issues. It is one thing to understand requirements at law, but quite another to help chart a path of leadership and responsible decision-making in business.
My view is the most valued advisors of the future will be those building responsibility themselves, within their teams and organisations.
It won’t all look the same - and in fact if it does that's probably a giveaway for tokenism - but it will be palpable, demonstrable (not shouty or utopian), and led from the top.